Types and Principles of the Japanese Diet for Weight Loss

The Japanese, or Japanese diet, was developed by nutritionists at the YaELO Clinic (Yaeks). The principle of the technique is based on the use of low calorie foods for 7-14 days. Before embarking on a strict diet, experts recommend mental preparation - the weight loss system requires strict adherence to all the rules of the method. This weight loss system is characterized by a long output: it lasts 4 weeks. Despite its high effectiveness, diet can harm the body, especially if there are contraindications.

eating with japanese diet

Weight loss principle

The Japanese diet is designed for 7, 14 or 13 days. Proper weight loss is achieved by using foods that contain a large amount of protein. Foods high in carbohydrates and fats are excluded from the diet. The technique is considered "salt-free". The initial stage of weight loss is accompanied by the normalization of metabolic processes in the body, the elimination of toxins. The fat burning process starts in 2-3 days.

It is impossible to deviate from the regime - the diet is strictly prescribed. Due to the lack of sufficient amount of carbohydrates in the dishes, the duration of the diet should not exceed 14 days. The occurrence of side effects requires immediate cessation of treatment with diet and is the reason for contacting a medical institution. The use of vitamins and minerals during weight loss is encouraged, the complex is selected separately. Leaving the diet can take up to a month.

Diet rules

snacks as a forbidden meal in the Japanese diet

Permitted food dishes can fill you up quickly. This is due to the presence in their composition of the main component of "building" - protein. Carbohydrates and fats enter the body in small amounts. Fiber is found in fresh vegetables and fruits and their use is not limited. Soluble fiber contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive system. The antioxidants involved in metabolism are found in green tea and natural coffee.

A specially selected menu for each day provides the body with the necessary nutrients.

Consumption pattern should be carefully observed: you should drink at least 1. 5 liters of fluid a day. The presence of salt, sugar and hot spices in the dishes is unacceptable. The number of meals is limited: no more than 3 times a day. You can not have snacks.

Experts recommend abandoning sweets and junk food in advance - this will help prevent harm. It is recommended to reduce the portions.

Permitted and prohibited products

The list of products allowed for consumption is strictly limited. For 14 days, the daily menu may include:

  • meat and poultry products;
  • a fish;
  • bread;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit?
  • natural freshly squeezed juices.
  • dairy products;
  • tea and mineral water.

Vegetables, fruits and greens you can eat:

  • pumpkin;
  • carrot;
  • eggplant;
  • cabbage;
  • apples;
  • pineapples;
  • pears?
  • Kiwi;
  • pomelo?
  • citrus fruits (lemons, oranges).

Bread and nuts should be rye. Lean meat (lean beef, chicken, turkey) and fish (cod, cod) are heat treated. Eggs are allowed, but in small quantities. Drinks (green tea, natural weak coffee, boiling water) should not contain sweeteners. You can drink tomato juice and low-fat kefir (1%). Olive oil is included in the diet.

Prohibited foods should be completely excluded from the menu. These include:

  • fatty meats and fish;
  • vegetable oils;
  • salt and sugar;
  • fast food;
  • flour products;
  • smoked and boiled sausages.
  • semi-finished products and canned food.
  • sweets and pastries;
  • foods containing starch (vegetables, cereals).
  • alcohol and tobacco products;
  • sauces, marinades.

Vegetables and fruits:

  • Cherry;
  • cherry?
  • Garnet;
  • persimmon;
  • tangerines;
  • mango;
  • figs;
  • passion fruit;
  • grape.

Dried fruit:

  • plums?
  • raisin;
  • dried apricots?
  • dates.

The Japanese rarely eat dairy products, as they are often lactose intolerant, so they are not included in the diet.

It is necessary to exclude chips, sweet and savory popcorn from the diet. Semolina, barley and millet groats are not used for cooking foods that promote fat burning.

Prohibited flour products:

  • pancakes?
  • pasta?
  • vareniki;
  • spaghetti (noodles);
  • pancakes?
  • pasta;
  • wheat bread;
  • pancake.
abandonment of sweets in the Japanese diet

Confectionery (sweets, cookies, pastries, rolls, cakes, marshmallows, halva, canned food, jam) is strictly prohibited. Spices (spices, mayonnaise, ketchup) are not added to dishes. Any dairy products are prohibited (sour cream, cheese, fermented boiled milk, whole milk, sour cream).

Meat and sausages:

  • pork;
  • Lamb meat;
  • ham;
  • boiled pork;
  • Salo?
  • smoked sausages;
  • uncooked smoked sausages, boiled, dry.

Dried, smoked and dried fish should be removed from the diet immediately. Poultry meat is consumed only in boiled form. Do not use chocolate, mistletoe and butter. Alcoholic beverages and tobacco products are excluded 2-3 weeks before weight loss. Very carbonated sweet drinks (lemonade, bucket) are replaced with salted mineral water.

Dried fruit compotes, jellies are not included in the diet. It is also necessary to refrain from cherry, apple, pomegranate, grape and orange juices. Nectar is made from pineapple and tomatoes, they drink in small quantities.

Pineapple and tomato juice for the Japanese diet

Types of Japanese diet

There are 3 types of Japanese diet. They differ in the number of days:

  • 7 days;
  • 13 days;
  • 14 days.

The diet regimen should be followed regardless of the type of technique.

Diet 14 days

The salt-free slimming system is designed for 2 weeks. During this period, there is a gradual release of fat cells and their burning. For the first 3 days, the body is cleansed. During this period, experts recommend drinking plenty of fluids: boiling water and green tea speed up the flushing out of other toxins. Conventionally, the diet can be divided into 2 stages, each of which lasts 7 days. In the first stage, kefir is included in the menu. The dishes are steamed, frying and sautéing is ignored.

Diet for 7 days

The mildest technique is designed for a week. During this period, you can lose no more than 3-4 pounds. The menu is strict, the products are strictly limited and can not be replaced. During the period of weight loss, a restructuring occurs, during which the body gets used to the new diet, therefore, experts consider this system the least effective. The menu may include traditional Japanese cuisine prepared with permitted ingredients. They can not be completed. For people who plan to lose weight according to the Japanese, nutritionists recommend choosing the "light" option.

Diet for 13 days

The principle of operation of this type does not differ from the previous two. Serving weight does not exceed 200 g, the liquid is consumed when thirsty. Food intake - simultaneously for 13 days. Compliance with all the rules of nutritional detoxification is mandatory. In less than 2 weeks, there is a complete cleansing of the intestines, the process of burning fat occurs gradually, therefore, in problem areas, the skin retains its elasticity. Exhausted energy supply is supplemented with protein foods.

Diet plan per day

Slimming dishes are fully adapted to European cuisine and do not contain exotic ingredients. The approximate menu is designed for 7 days, on the 8th day it is repeated. The variety of drinks is allowed: replace coffee with green tea, kefir - with tomato juice. The daily rule of the products, if necessary, is divided into 2 parts according to the number of days (with weekly weight loss).

Diet plan (for 14 days):

  • chicken fillet - 1 kg.
  • fish fillet - 2 kg.
  • lean beef - 1 kg.
  • crackers or rye bread - 0, 5 kg.
  • chicken eggs - 20 pcs.
  • white cabbage - 2 pcs.
  • zucchini and / or eggplants - 1 kg.
  • carrots - 2, 5-3 kg.
  • fruit (without sugar) - 1 kg.
  • lemons (large) - 2 pcs.
  • kefir (low fat) - 1 liter.
  • olive oil - (cold pressed) - 0, 5 l.
  • tomato juice (homemade) - 1 liter.
  • natural coffee (beans or powder) - 1 package.
  • green (large leaf) tea - 1 package.

The rate of water consumption depends on the age and weight of the person.

The food set is enough for three meals a day. Carbonated mineral water can be replaced with boiling water. The minimum volume of fluid per day is 1. 5 liters.

Detailed plan of the daily menu (per day):

  1. For breakfast (8. 00) - a cup of light natural coffee. No cream, sugar, condensed milk should be added. For lunch (13. 00) - chopped cabbage cooked in its own juice with the addition of a small amount of olive oil, 2 boiled eggs and 250 ml of tomato juice. For dinner (18. 00) - fish (200 grams of boneless fillet), steamed or boiled.
  2. Breakfast - coffee without milk and sugar, a slice of rye bread. Lunch - cabbage stew with olive oil and steamed (boiled) fish fillets (100 g). Dinner - boiled beef pulp (100 g) and 250 ml of low-fat kefir.
  3. For breakfast - a cup of weak natural coffee and a rye crumb. For lunch - vegetable stew from eggplant or zucchini. For dinner - a salad of fresh white cabbage, seasoned with oil. You can eat 2 eggs and 200 grams of boiled lean beef (pulp).
  4. Breakfast - raw carrot puree, lemon juice. Lunch - boiled boneless fish fillet (200 g), 250 ml tomato juice. Dinner - unlimited fruits.
  5. For breakfast - raw carrot puree, lemon juice. For lunch - boiled boneless fish fillet (200 g), a glass of tomato juice. For dinner - fruit in any quantity.
  6. Breakfast - coffee or green tea without sugar. Lunch - 0, 50 boiled chicken (breast or thighs without skin), salad of fresh vegetables (carrots and cabbage) with a little oil. Dinner - boiled chicken eggs (2 pcs. ), Salad of fresh grated carrots with butter.
  7. For breakfast - green tea without sugar. For lunch - beef stew or boiled stew. For dinner - any dish (except dinner for 3 nights).

The menu can be displayed schematically. Experts recommend placing a design sheet in a prominent place.

The right way out of the diet

One type of diet should be followed 2-4 weeks after the diet. During weight loss, the body gets used to small portions and low calorie foods. Avoiding the diet is essential for maintaining a normal weight and the optimal functioning of the digestive tract. It is recommended to gradually return to the usual diet: foods rich in carbohydrates are added a little every day. The duration of the issue is at least 14 days.

Meals should be fractional, the weight of the portion should not increase. The diet should be dominated by foods that contain a small amount of calories and replenish the energy stored in the weight loss process. It is not recommended to reduce the amount of protein foods consumed (chicken eggs, poultry and fish). In the menu, fats and carbohydrates are gradually introduced. Salt and sugar can be added in small doses. Drink should be plentiful, consume no more than 2 liters per day.

During the period of exit from the diet, the consumption of cereals for breakfast is allowed. Boil oatmeal, buckwheat and rice oats in water. Vegetables and fruits are eaten raw in any quantity. It is better to prefer the sweet and sour varieties of apples. Snacks are introduced between the main meals: a glass of kefir or rice cake. Rye bread is replaced with wholemeal bread or without yeast.

Pasta and sweets, pastries and snacks are not included in the diet.

Nutrition costs

Products approved for use in weight loss belong to the middle price range.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Japanese technique for weight loss has many advantages and disadvantages. Benefits include:

  • efficiency;
  • availability;
  • cleansing at the same time as weight loss.
  • detailed menu;
  • Three meals a day;
  • increased muscle tone.

The effectiveness is due to the rapid fat burning process, the result appears after 7 days. The products are available to everyone and can be purchased at any store. You do not need to calculate the calories in advance, the menu is clearly written. Food is taken 3 times a day, the diet is filling, so the feeling of hunger rarely occurs. Cleansing the body helps to normalize metabolic processes. Due to the high protein content in food, the muscle structure is strengthened.

The disadvantages are:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • vitamin and mineral deficiency;
  • lack of a rich breakfast.
  • the need to comply with dietary rules;
  • short-term weight loss
  • contraindications.

An unbalanced diet and non-compliance with the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates increases the risk of side effects. Reduction of natural defense reactions, deterioration of the condition of nails and hair occurs in the context of a lack of vitamins in the body. Getting proper nutrition through your diet can help you lose weight.

Contraindications and damage

nutritionist writes contraindications to the Japanese diet

The diet is only suitable for healthy people. Before losing weight, you should be examined and consult a nutritionist. Contraindications include:

  • pregnancy at any time.
  • Breastfeeding?
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
  • corrosive damage to the digestive system.
  • kidney and liver pathology, including insufficiency.
  • anemia;
  • gallbladder disease
  • infectious diseases.
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system.
  • hypovitaminosis
  • Diabetes;
  • blood pressure rises
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • arthritis.

The diet is not suitable for the elderly and adolescents. Any non-compliance with the general rules of the technique increases the risk of side effects. In the first few days, nausea and bowel movements (constipation or diarrhea) may occur. Digestive disorder is accompanied by excessive flatulence or colic. Bad breath, heartburn and belching occur. Headaches occur in the context of a complete refusal of sugar.

Nervousness and sleep disorders develop for the same reason. Due to the lack of fat, a bitter taste appears in the mouth. The appearance can be aggravated: the skin becomes pale and dry. Nutrient deficiencies lead to joint pain.

Diet recipes

Diet meals are added to the menu on departure. You can diversify your diet with salads, first and second course. Homemade low-sugar desserts improve brain function and can be consumed after 14-15 days.

Japanese diet salad

The "Hope" salad diet includes the following ingredients:

  • potatoes - (2 pcs. )
  • milk sausages - (2 pcs. )
  • chicken breast - (250 g).
  • pickled cucumber - (1 pc. )
  • greens;
  • salt;
  • olive oil - (1 tablespoon).

Cut the boiled potatoes, the boiled chicken and the sausages into cubes. Put the mass in a deep bowl and season with salt and pepper. Add cucumber cut into strips and chopped greens there.

Season the salad with olive oil (first press).

Cabbage salad:

Cabbage salad for the Japanese diet
  • Beijing cabbage - (250 g).
  • fresh cucumbers and tomatoes - (250 g).
  • chili pepper - (1 pc. )
  • hard cheese - (150 g);
  • salt;
  • olives (1/2 box);
  • olive oil.

Tear the Chinese cabbage leaves into small pieces with your hands. Cucumbers and tomatoes are cut into large pieces. Chop the chili (half a vegetable) in the blender. Mix all ingredients, salt and salt and pepper with oil. Garnish the salad with grated cheese and olives on top.

The first lessons are consumed at noon. For easier digestion, soups are prepared in puree. Spinach and celery soup:

Vegetable soup for the Japanese diet
  • lemon - (1 pc. )
  • tomatoes - (2 pcs. )
  • spinach - (200 g);
  • celery - (stem, 2 pcs. )
  • greens;
  • vegetable broth - (1, 5 l).
  • salt;
  • olive oil - (1 tablespoon. l. ).

Pour olive oil in a preheated pan. Chop the celery stalk and sauté it in oil. In a separate saucepan, bring the broth to a boil, place the chopped spinach in it and simmer for 5-7 minutes. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Add tomato paste to the spinach. Salt the broth, add the frying to it. Cook for 15-20 minutes. Add a little lemon juice and chopped herbs to the final soup.

Mushroom cream soup:

  • Champignon - (8 pcs. )
  • potatoes - (2 pcs. )
  • zucchini - (300 grams).
  • carrots - (1 pc. )
  • onion - (1 pc. )
  • weak meat broth - (1 liter).
  • flour - (1 tablespoon. l. );
  • olive oil - (2 tablespoons. l. );
  • sour cream - (1 tablespoon. l. ).

Cut the boiled vegetables into small cubes and cut them in the blender. Let the broth boil. Fry the flour until golden brown, add to the broth, add vegetable puree there. Simmer the soup on low heat until thickened, then salt, add cream and garnish with herbs. The first dish is served with rye croutons.

Beef stew with vegetables:

meat with vegetables for japanese diet
  • beef - (500 g);
  • olive oil - (3 tablespoons. l. );
  • potatoes - (200 g);
  • carrots - (1 pc. )
  • pepper - (1 pc. )
  • onions - (1 pc. ).

Spread the onion, pepper and grated carrots in half rings in olive oil. Boil the beef until half cooked, cool and cut into small bars. Place the meat on fried vegetables, salt. Put potatoes cut into strips on top. Salt again. Pour meat broth over vegetables. Cook the dish on low heat for 25-30 minutes.

Indian manti is a dietary dish, the preparation of which takes place in 2 stages. Ingredients for the dough:

  • flour - (1, 5 cups);
  • hot water - (1 glass).
  • salt.

Dissolve the salt in warm water. Pour flour on the work surface, make a depression on it. Pour in salted water in portions, gradually kneading the elastic dough. Cover it with a towel and leave it for 15-20 minutes.

While the dough "fits", you need to prepare the dressing. Required ingredients:

  • Champignon - (6-8 pcs. )
  • carrots - (1 pc. )
  • green onions - (4-5 wings).
  • zucchini - (400 grams).
  • olive oil - (2 tablespoons. l. );
  • tomato paste - (2 tablespoons. l. );
  • chicken fillet - (400 g).

Cut the champignons, zucchini and carrots into small cubes. Boil the chicken fillet and cut it into strips. Fry onions in oil and tomato paste, gradually adding carrots, zucchini, mushrooms and meat to it. Pour 150-200 ml of water into the frying pan and simmer the vegetables until soft.

Spread the dough into thin strips and grease each one with oil. Cut the strips into squares (10x10 cm), which are stacked on top of each other. The dough is steamed in a pressure cooker or kettle for 15-20 minutes. Spread the "columns" of the dough on a plate, pour over with vegetable sauce and sprinkle with herbs.

Results and reviews

In 2 weeks, you can lose weight by 8-9 kg. Most women and men who have lost weight using this technique speak positively about it.

First review, woman, 36 years old

the effect of weight loss with Japanese diet

I started to recover in adolescence, I tried a lot of diets - they did not help me. I went to a nutritionist, underwent a medical examination, ate separately, constantly calculated calories, organized fasting days and in 5 months I managed to lose only 2 kilos. The Japanese fat burning system consulted a friend, I did not manage to lose 7 pounds in 2 weeks. I decided to try it.

The medical examination did not reveal any contraindications. The nutritionist gave detailed recommendations on nutrition. The system does not require large material investments. On the advice of the doctor, paint the menu in detail, fasten the sheet to the refrigerator. For the first 3 days I almost fell: the portions seemed small, the feeling of hunger was constantly present. On the 4th day it was easier, I tried to chew more food and drink more liquid.

The second stage of weight loss flew fast. I cooked on the machine: I remembered the ingredients of the dishes and their weight. The food started to look satisfactory, the hunger virtually disappeared. There were no side effects, except for a short-term headache on day 3. The dietitian explained that this was due to a lack of sugar. I left the diet for 20 days. I liked the food on the way out, so I completely gave up sweet, fatty, salty and smoked foods. I am satisfied with the result: in 2 weeks I lost 10, 5 kg. In six months I will use this weight loss system again.

Second review, woman, 28 years old

I learned about the technique 2 years ago. At that time he weighed 107 kg, with an increase of 164, the number is critical. There were health problems and I was not happy with the look. Her friends could not advise an effective diet, so she decided to consult a specialist. The doctor recommended trying to lose weight using the Japanese weight loss system. The long list of groceries scared me at first, but the nutritionist reassured me and explained the diet in detail.

It took 5 kilos for 7 days. The dishes from the menu are filling, I ate a portion. At first, there was a slight dizziness and a slight upset of the intestines. The side effects went away on their own. He ate at the same time. The second stage of weight loss was easy: there was lightness, appearance and general well-being improved. Thanks to diet, I quit smoking and quit drinking completely. 13 kilos went during the release period. I have been eating properly, swimming and jogging for 1. 5 years, my previous weight has not returned.